Writing a Synopsis (Guest Post by Harry Connolly)

Mirintala/ February 11, 2015/ Guest

Everyone Hates Writing A Synopsis And rightfully so. They are the least fun part of writing. I’d rather stand over my printer, begging it to do the one job I bought it for, than write a synopsis. But they’re required, so I’ve done it. I have a little method, too. Nowadays, when I write a synopsis, it’s for my agent

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Guest Post: Shen Hart, Writer and Marketing Consultant

Mirintala/ August 6, 2013/ Guest, Writing

Hello one and all! I’m Shen Hart and Chris was kind enough allow me a slot on her blog. Today I’m going to touch on what I am and what I do before diving into my passion for writing. I’m an indie marketing consultant. I jokingly say that I’m saving the world, one indie at a time. This means that

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